

Welcome to the Neucron SDK Wallet Module documentation. This module provides functionalities for managing wallets, accessing wallet information, and interacting with wallet-related features. Before using this module, make sure you have successfully authenticated with the Neucron SDK.

Getting Started

To use the Neucron SDK Wallet Module, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Neucron SDK:

    npm install neucron-sdk
  2. Import the SDK into your project:

    import NeucronSDK from "./src/neucron-sdk.js";
    const neucron = new NeucronSDK();
    await neucron.authentication.login({ email: "your-email@example.com", password: "your-password" });
  3. Access the Wallet Module:

    const walletModule = neucron.wallet;

Create Wallet

Create a new wallet with a specified name. If no walletId is provided, the default walletId will be used.

const walletCreation1 = await walletModule.createWallet({ walletName: 'Hello World-2' });

Create a wallet for a specific app by providing an appId. If no walletId is provided, the default walletId will be used.

const walletCreation2 = await walletModule.createWallet({
  walletName: 'for app Hello 00 9090 World-2',
  appId: 'd4622df9-d5ef-45e3-8d65-4837c45333ba'

Set Default Wallet

Set a wallet as the default wallet using its walletId. If no walletId is provided, the default walletId will be used.

const defaultWallet = await walletModule.setDefaultWallet({ walletId: '7c1e8e9b-46dd-404d-9d0f-600c291b052d' });

Get Wallet History

Retrieve the transaction history of a specific wallet using its walletId. If no walletId is provided, the default walletId will be used.

const walletHistory1 = await walletModule.getWalletHistory({ walletId: 'ab8b7cd9-1482-4604-aabe-2a63d4e2fd73' });

const walletHistory2 = await walletModule.getWalletHistory({});

Get Wallet Keys

Retrieve the keys associated with a specific wallet using its walletId. If no walletId is provided, the default walletId will be used.

const walletKeys1 = await walletModule.getWalletKeys({ walletId: 'ab8b7cd9-1482-4604-aabe-2a63d4e2fd73' });

const walletKeys2 = await walletModule.getWalletKeys({});

Get Wallet Balance

Retrieve the balance of a specific wallet using its walletId. If no walletId is provided, the default walletId will be used.

const walletBalance1 = await walletModule.getWalletBalance({ walletId: 'ab8b7cd9-1482-4604-aabe-2a63d4e2fd73' });

const walletBalance2 = await walletModule.getWalletBalance({});

Get All Wallets

Retrieve information about all wallets associated with the authenticated user.

const allWallets = await walletModule.getAllWallet();

Get All UTXOs

Retrieve all unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) associated with a specific wallet using its walletId. If no walletId is provided, the default walletId will be used.

const allUtxos1 = await walletModule.getAllUtxos({ walletId: 'ab8b7cd9-1482-4604-aabe-2a63d4e2fd73' });

const allUtxos2 = await walletModule.getAllUtxos({});

Get XPub Keys

Retrieve the extended public (XPub) keys associated with a specific wallet using its walletId. If no walletId is provided, the default walletId will be used.

const xPubKeys1 = await walletModule.getXPubKeys({ walletId: 'ab8b7cd9-1482-4604-aabe-2a63d4e2fd73' });

const xPubKeys2 = await walletModule.getXPubKeys({});

Get Mnemonic

Retrieve the mnemonic associated with a specific wallet using its walletId. If no walletId is provided, the default walletId will be used.

const mnemonic1 = await walletModule.getMnemonic({ walletId: 'ab8b7cd9-1482-4604-aabe-2a63d4e2fd73' });

const mnemonic2 = await walletModule.getMnemonic({});

Get Addresses by Wallet ID

Retrieve all addresses associated with a specific wallet using its walletId. If no walletId is provided, the default walletId will be used.

const addresses1 = await walletModule.getAddressesByWalletId({ walletId: 'ab8b7cd9-1482-4604-aabe-2a63d4e2fd73' });

const addresses2 = await walletModule.getAddressesByWalletId({});

Feel free to further customize this documentation based on your actual API responses and any additional features or considerations for using the Neucron SDK Wallet Module.

Last updated