
The Paymail module in the Neucron JavaScript SDK provides functionalities related to Paymail, including retrieving a list of Paymails associated with a user and updating a Paymail address.

Get Paymail List

To get a list of Paymails associated with a user, use the following code:

import NeucronSDK from 'neucron-sdk/src/neucron-sdk.js';

const neucronSDK = new NeucronSDK();
await neucronSDK.authentication.login({
  email: '',
  password: 'dummyPassword'

const response = await neucronSDK.paymail.getPaymailList();


  data: {
    details: {
      Wallets: ['f1be9b7d-a9d5-40df-b6c6-e7f176057b14', /* Additional Wallets if available */],
      DefaultWallet: 'f1be9b7d-a9d5-40df-b6c6-e7f176057b14'
  status_code: 200

Update Paymail

To update a Paymail address, use the following code:

import NeucronSDK from 'neucron-sdk/src/neucron-sdk.js';

const neucronSDK = new NeucronSDK();
await neucronSDK.authentication.login({
  email: '',
  password: 'dummyPassword'

const options = {
  paymail: '',
  newPaymail: ''

const response = await neucronSDK.paymail.updatePaymail(options);


  data: {
    paymail_id: ''
  status_code: 200

This concludes the documentation for the Paymail module in the Neucron JavaScript SDK. For more details or additional functionalities, please refer to the official Neucron SDK documentation.

Last updated